One-stop-shop for Paintball Guides, Reviews, and How-Tos

Purchase Guides
How do you choose the right paintball gun? With so many paintball guns available, you may not know where to begin. With our paintball product reviews, you make a good decision for your gear!

Get a glimpse of some of the best paintball action from around the world. From instructional videos to highlights of the best players and teams, paintball videos that cover a lot of ground.

How To
Getting into paintball for the first time? Discover everything from how to load a paintball gun, how to play paintball, and what safety gear you’ll need when you play paintball for the first time.

How do you choose the right paintball gear? There are many factors to consider when purchasing paintball gear. We share some tips for choosing the right paintball gear from the best on the market.

News & Events
Is your favorite team competing? Get news and information about upcoming paintball events. And check out our list of upcoming events to find a practice session or open play near you.

Become familiar with the history of paintball, where it originated, and what it is all about. The history of paintball is essential for players who wish to learn more about the sport.
Your Best Source for Paintball!
Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, we have the perfect products to help you take your game to the next level. Browse our reviews of guns, accessories, and apparel today and see for yourself why Paintball Gun Pro is the best source for all your paintball needs!